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At Ginger Lehmann we pride ourselves on supplying unrivalled quality and impactful services for your essential needs. Our services cover a wide breadth of infrastructure inspections and we utilise state-of-the-art technology to provide you with quality condition data, software, and analysis tools and visualised outputs, which in turn can be used to support effective management of your highways assets. 


Indeed, our services have been developed to help you realise your networks potential, with infrastructure inspections including UKPMS and bespoke condition survey options. At the core of our services, we provide accredited UKPMS services including SCANNER, visual surveys such as DVI, CVI and FNS, skid resistance surveys, and asset video, condition and inventory surveys. We are also happy to discuss a variety of bespoke surveys that we can undertake including pothole and patching surveys, video condition assessments, gully surveys, flood damage surveys, and road marking assessments.   



We operate three SCANNER vehicles in the UK, accredited to the highest standards by Transport Research Laboratory, on behalf of the Department for Transport. Equipped with a range of sophisticated equipment including laser scanners, accelerometers, GPS and cameras, our Tempest SCANNER fleet includes some of the most advanced vehicles in operation capturing road condition data. SCANNER surveys provide an objective 3-dimensional assessment of carriageway condition and the data can be used to produce or back up maintenance schemes, identify areas of further investigation, undertake whole life costing, and develop deterioration models.  


“We capture detailed condition data related to the surface and structural condition of your carriageway assets, including carriageway texture, rutting, cracking and profile, with the data fundamental to Single Data List reporting and wider scheme prioritisation and asset management.”           


With highly accurate satellite positioning, these vehicles capture precise location information in tandem with a variety of vitally important condition data parameters, which enables the SCANNER data to be matched with other highways data for analysis in Asset Management, Pavement Management or Geographic Information Systems.


Our vehicles are also equipped with high-quality forward-facing and pavement imagery, which can be supplied to you via bespoke desktop or web-based software. This imagery provides the contextual backdrop for your highways network, allowing street level and pavement imagery to be viewed alongside mapping and condition data. In turn, this data can be utilised by highways engineers and asset managers for supporting effective decision-making. 




With tighter budgets and even tougher time constraints, getting the right data is essential to empowering engineers and asset managers to make the right maintenance decisions. Visual surveys use engineering principles and nationally-recognised standards to provide vital information on a variety of assets including carriageways, footways, verges and asset inventory. 


With over 20 years’ experience in visual surveying, Ginger Lehmann has developed our services over time to ensure we meet our client’s infrastructure inspection requirements. We use an experienced team of UKPMS accredited surveyors and software and our visual surveying services include UKPMS standard and enhanced Coarse Visual Inspections, Detailed Visual Inspections, Footway Network & Maintenance Surveys, Walked Inventory Surveys and LANTRA certified Highways Safety Inspections.  


We also conduct bespoke surveys whereby we tailor the survey to your specific data requirements. Recent examples include targeted pothole, patching, flood damage, and car park condition surveys. Indeed, as we operate our own UKPMS accredited collection software NotaVia, our development team are able to customize our data collection software to collect a variety of different defects, features, or assets alongside standard collection methods so we are happy to discuss your exact requirements and are confident we will be able to provide the data you need.  


We have a team of highly experienced, UKPMS accredited visual surveyors dedicated to collecting high-quality condition data. Our surveyors operate nationwide to provide safe, timely, and best value assessments of asset condition, utilizing our specialist software NotaVia, and the latest handheld data collection technology, to provide you with the information you need to manage your assets in the most effective manner.


“We provide cost-effective inspections of all your assets, ensuring you have the right data for making engineering decisions, prioritising maintenance, and satisfying the general public and other key stakeholders.”


We also work at a national level to help improve the collection and analysis of survey data through the different boards we are members and advisors on. Ginger Lehmann are members of the Road Condition Management Group (RCMG), Visual Survey Sub Group and VOCAL Roads Group, acting as technical advisors. This ensures we remain at the forefront of the industry, helping to drive innovation in highways assessment methods.

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How do you manage your infrastructure assets effectively if you don’t know where, how many, what type, and in what condition they are? This is a fundamental question any asset owner must ask if they wish to follow an asset management strategy or lifecycle planning approach.


To support you, we operate high-definition image capture technology for capturing street-level GPS-referenced imagery. This data is in turn utilised for compiling asset inventory datasets and for conducting condition assessments on your critical infrastructure. The geographical position of your assets is recorded with a military-grade Applanix navigation system supported by a high-grade inertial measurement system and differential correction, ensuring the most accurate position is always recorded, whatever the survey environment. 


Our multi-camera asset capture vehicle and newly introduced ATLAS quad vehicle enable us to map infrastructure assets across the entire breadth of your highways network covering assets within the carriageway, footways, cycleways and remote sections that would otherwise be inaccessible. Consequently, we can support you in establishing and maintaining an accurate asset register year on year.  


“Holding high quality and up-to-date highway asset data is a fundamental building block of any asset management strategy.”


Prior to surveying, we will consult with you to define the survey from end to end including the physical extent of the survey, the assets, attributes and condition assessments to be collated, and delivery formats for the video and asset data. The survey is highly customisable, which is critical in enabling you to manage your data needs and budgets as part of a long term asset management strategy.  


What can be collected?

We can collect in excess of 50 different asset types, categorised as point, linear or polygonal items, alongside core attribute and visible condition information. In order to provide some guidance on the types of asset collected, many of which are required for Whole of Government Account submissions, popular assets include:



Road Gullies


A collection of signs. Give way signs, 30 limit, pedestrian and bike signs, national speed sign.


Bollards Solid - Metal Stainless Steel nex to road


Guard Rail

Pedestrian gaurd rail next to road

Safety Fence

curved dirt roa with safty fence

Lighting points

street ligtwith bright blue sky background, back of asset van with rd and yellow high visability stripes


Dual carridge way empty


concrete brick kerb with hedge next to it


road ith grass verge

Traffic Calming

Trafic calming speed bump

Street Furniture

empty bench in autum with leaves

Grit Bins

Grit Bin brigt yellow in front of fence with grit written in black

Central Islands

Central islands on housing estate

Central Reserve 

central reserve on motorway with cars driveing


Concrete Kerb

Road Markings

White left tur road mark on road
Projekty Organzacji Ruchu


Skid resistance surveys are a vitally important part of improving the safety on your road network and Ginger Lehmann can provide skid resistance surveys using accredited survey vehicles. We will work with you proactively to advise the best survey method to fit with your skid policy and our team of GIS technicians are also on hand post-survey to help you get the most from your skid resistance data, helping you understand where to target further investigation and maintenance. 


Skid resistance surveys are conducted using a bespoke vehicle, which is based upon a lorry chassis with a large water holding tank similar in size to a "gully emptier." The machine has mounted in its mid-section left side wheel track, a test wheel that is set at 20° to forward travel. This creates pressure on the wheel related to the skid resistance of the road surface and this pressure can be measured and is processed to give figures that represent the road surface skid resistance. Survey vehicles are manufactured to be compliant with the current British Standard BS 7941-1:2006. 


 “With high-quality skid resistance data, we can help make your roads safer for all road users, which is the primary objective.”


Surveys are usually conducted at 50 km/h but for trunk road or high-speed road surveys, a testing speed of 80 km/h is permissible with speed correction conducted during processing. This ensures high-quality skid resistance data can be collected in a safe and cost-effective manner across your entire highways network. 


Once data is made available, additional analysis is possible to compare recorded skid resistance values with locally defined investigatory levels whereby any deficient sites can be investigated on-site as part of a robust and safe skid policy. 


In addition to skid resistance surveys, we can also supply GripTester surveys for less accessible sites and Pendulum testing for assessment of footway skid resistance.   



The collection of robust highways condition data is paramount to ensuring effective asset management and as local authorities and highways contractors, we can provide you with more than just condition surveys. If you already support a team of highways inspectors and complete your own in-house inspections, we would be happy to equip your inspectors with the latest UKPMS accredited software to enable your teams to collect, process, and validate your own data in the most accurate and cost-effective manner. 


NotaVia is Ginger Lehmann’s data capture software, for use in capturing UKPMS condition data collected as part of a CVI, DVI, FNS or bespoke visual condition survey. Built around a new structure it is a multi-platform software product designed for use on a variety of operating systems, including Android, Windows and iOS, giving the flexibility of the device it is used on.










"Designed with UKPMS surveying in mind, with input from our own experienced surveyors and Local Authority surveyors, NotaVia offers an intuitive interface designed to improve both the quality and productivity of survey preparation, on-site data capture, and data processing. 


NotaVia is made up of three parts: survey builder; capture software; and converter software. The builder software is used pre-survey for planning your survey to support efficient on-site collection, the capture software is the interface and capture software which is loaded on the handheld device enabling the input of detailed inventory and condition data, and the converter software allows captured data to be processed and converted to a variety of outputs including UKPMS accredited HMDIF format, CSV and GIS format. 
















Key Features


  • Simple & easy to use interface


  • Inbuilt edit functionality


  • Inbuilt data consistency checks


  • Intuitive visual feedback


  • Inbuilt Inventory-defect relationship


  • One-click upload of survey results


  • Timestamp for survey records


  • Custom output-formats


  • Designed for Mobile devices


Notavia Software



As a key part of our SCANNER, asset inventory and video surveys, we use image capture technology to create video datasets and we can supply this data through a desktop-based software product called Nano. Our Nano software gives you the tools to view your video and asset inventory in the most intuitive manner, with imagery viewable alongside your network map, asset inventory, and condition data.






Nano is also a tool for managing all types of highways inventory, e.g. captured road signs, lane markings, etc. A suite of integrated views and tools help users organize, view, and edit their inventory to their specific needs. Nano also has full export functionality and can output in CSV, TAB and SHP files as standard.


The software incorporates the following key features:

Key Features

  • Map Window

       Compatible with OS MasterMap,                    Internet Mapping, Aerial imagery, GIS          Formats

  • Magnify Tool

  • Video Layout Flexibility and Playback Tools 

  • Measure Tool                  

       Horizontal, vertical, 3D measure 

  • Asset Table and Attribute Viewer

  • Asset Editor                                 

       Point / Line / Polygon Create

       Attribute Edit Tool


Nano Software



More info coming soon!

Surveyor Training

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